Version 6.2 Created


During my test run of the modded game (Which you can see here: (I speak Portuguese in streams, mostly)), I stumbled upon a couple of minor texture crashes in the game. These are usually caused by RAM or Cache sizes.

Versions 6.1 brought a patch for the RAM size, so the only thing missing was the setting file for TonBerry. In this file, we can set the cache values for TonBerry to actually match this new RAM capability of the .EXE file.

Therefore, I added the option of setting up a preference file with larger caches (One file for 3GB of RAM, and the recommended one for 4GB of RAM). Most of the computers today have at least 8 GBs, so this should not be an issue (If it is, you can always reinstall selecting the Default TonBerry cache option).

That's it, I hope this helps!

Have a great day!


FF8 Mod Installer v6.2 2.2 MB
Sep 16, 2024

Get Final Fantasy 8 Mod Installer

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