A downloadable tool for Windows

I've been playing Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories for a while, and I always had trouble planning new decks for my challenges (Warrior only deck, Water deck - No Twin Headed, etc.) and keeping track of TEC counters (Fusion count, effective attacks, etc.).

Recently I decided to create a tool for these tasks. The purpose of it is to simply allow counter tracking and deck building, and I was really satisfied with it. Due to that, I decided to share it, in hope that it may help any player interested.

As this is a personal project of mine, I decided to keep the code to myself. I can, however, share what was used for this project:

  1. Python 3 with multiple libraries (GUI made with 'tkinter', File export using 'json', database handling using 'sqlite3'); 
  2. Card Database was created by Marcelo Silvarolla. It is available in this link: https://github.com/MarceloSilvarolla/YFM-Database-and-Fusion-Guide/releases/tag/1 
  3. Card Images were split from a sprite sheet, made available by borderoflife in this link: https://www.spriters-resource.com/playstation/ygofm/sheet/131105/
  4. Millennium Eye Icon and Star Sign diagram were found in the internet.

Best regards,


Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories Tool.7z 20 MB

Install instructions

There's not much to add here, I compressed the application in a .7z file for security reasons. After extracting the .EXE file, just open it and the application should work normally (All required resources were compiled in the .EXE). Be aware that exported JSON decks will be placed along with the .EXE file.

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