Version 2.0 Created

Hey there!
When I finished the first version of the Mod Installer, I did feel that some things were not quite as I envisioned. The installer seemed too dry, there was no Portuguese language (Which is my main language), mod packages were not compressed previously to the compiling process.

With this update, I'm glad to announce that all of those things have been implemented in the installer. Text was adjusted to properly communicate what was being done, Portuguese language was added and all mod packages were compressed before compiling (This sped up the build process and size was reduced a little bit - The first version had 6.04 GB of size, the new version has 5.95GB). I truly believe that this version may be the final one for the installer.
Again, I tested it in my own version of the game, and I can attest that the functionality is the same. 

Smaller, prettier and still the same reliable application underneath the new face.

I hope this installer serve you all well, as it has served me.

Have a great day!

Get Final Fantasy 8 Mod Installer

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